11 Reason We Love SiteGround WordPress Hosting

SiteGround is one of the biggest names in the WordPress hosting community.

What is website hosting?

Your website’s content needs to be stored on a server so that people can access it over the internet from anywhere at any time. 

Every website out there has a hosting provider. But choosing a good hosting company is not easy.

The wrong pick can cost you both: time and money. And you’ll see your sales dwindle right in front of your eyes.

SiteGround is the leading name in WordPress Hosting with over 2,000,000 domains

It’s not only economical but also integrated with fast-paced technologies and state-of-the-art features, allowing your WordPress to load faster, and saving it from the successful hacking attacks.

It is officially recommended by WordPress.org itself. 

We ourselves use SiteGround to host our websites and because are so satisfied with our experience we also recommend to our clients.  

SiteGround hosting offers one-click install, top-notch customer service is what puts them ahead of their competitors. Other features cover built-in WP caching, automatic upgrades, GIT version control, and CDN.

They also provide hosting plans targeting specific locations with data centers in three different locations.

Different data centre locations

  • Asia 
  • Europe
  • USA

The location of your website greatly affects your website stability and speed, SiteGround stores your site in the data center nearest to you.

Read on to find out the 11 Reason We Love SiteGround WordPress Hosting.

Why We Like Site Ground Hosting

1- The Stats Say it All 

99.9% Uptime by Siteground

People can lie about the product but the facts and figures don’t, here are a few stats about Site grounds hosting that makes it stand out. 

  • Site ground claims 6.97K Alexa ranking 
  • Entertains whopping 1.46 M visitors per month
  • Remarkable 99.999% monthly uptime

Site ground is officially recommended by WordPress.org. Here is what some of the big names in the WordPress community have to say about site ground.  

Syed balkhi, the guy who owns wpbeginner   

Syed balkhi's review on Siteground

SEO & WordPress expert Ben Pines review of Site Ground

Ben Pines review on Siteground

Similarly, Joost De Valk, the man behind Yoast SEO Plugin.

Joost De Valk review on Siteground

2- Speed is Paramount

Slow-loading websites have the highest bounce rate. 

Because let’s face it no one likes to wait for a website to load. 

Site Ground is big on website speed which is why they have their data centers on three different continents. 

Siteground's speed technologies

They have an advanced cache mechanism, also known as Super Cacher, used to increase both speed and site performance. 

No matter what hosting plan you choose they will store your data on an SSD drive. A cutting-edge Solid State Drive technology which greatly increases your website speed.  

Site ground provides a free Cloudflare CND and is HTTP/2 Enabled servers which ensure that your website is quickly available to anyone trying to access it from any corner of the world. 

3 – 99.99% Uptime Recorded 

Reliable uptime is the key to keep potential customers happy. 

It’s a helpful clue your visitors won’t miss out on anything because of time constraints, giving you the flexibility to work on other areas of your business with a free mindset.

SiteGround has a remarkable uptime record for the previous few years

  • March 2019 average uptime: 99.99%
  • February 2019 average uptime: 100%
  • January 2019 average uptime: 99.99%
  • December 2018 average uptime: 99.95%
  • November 2018 average uptime: 99.99%
  • October 2018 average uptime: 100%
  • September 2018 average uptime: 100%
  • August 2018 average uptime: 99.99%
  • July 2018 average uptime: 100%
  • June 2018 average uptime: 100%
  • May 2018 average uptime: 99.97%
  • April 2018 average uptime: 100%
  • March 2018 average uptime: 99.99%
  • February 2018 average uptime: 99.97%
  • January 2018 average uptime: 100%
  • December 2017 average uptime: 100%

To check out the real uptime of your site hosted by SiteGround you simply have to enter your domain here. 

4- Remarkable Load Time

Your website speed impacts everything! 

Your sales, conversions and even search engine rankings. 
And statistics show that most of us don’t wait more than 2 seconds for a website to load. 

Site Ground has a remarkable load time of 714 ms. 

Furthermore, they have so many other features that all go hand in hand to improve your website speed.

They offer Supercacher and SG Optimize Plugin that improves the site load time drastically.

These features will help you handle more visitors at a time, saving your site from hanging to putting it in a total stall.

CDN: 1-click Cloudflare CDN (Content Delivery Network) is employed which is a combination of the web servers mainly used for delivering the web pages to specific geographic locations where website visitors are based. 

NGINX: is used as a replacement of the Apache webserver. It incorporates leaner architecture, mainly responsible for increasing site speed.

HTTP/2: is installed to accelerate your site performance with the advanced HTTP network protocol. 

PHP7: If you wish to use the latest version of PHP, you can select it from SiteGround cPanel. It offers fast site speed compared to its previous versions.

SSD: Solid State Drive is used for storage which is more efficient than HDD (regular hard disk). SiteGround provides SSD to all of its customers no matter the hosting plan they pick.

They say if you have a slow host. It will always remain a slow host. 
SiteGround is not only a fast host, but it is also using the latest web hosting technologies to make your website faster.   

5- Great Customer Support 24/7, Instant Reply

Good customer service is very important especially when it comes to your website hosting company.   

Hosting is like a piece of land (space) you have rented out for your website. Now imagine your landlord (hosting provider) is just nice. You will have trouble communicating your concerns and dealing with issues
SiteGround offers prompt support which you can avail anytime 24/7 via

  • Phone
  • Email
  • Chat

If you don’t want to avail of the options mentioned above, you can also submit the ticket to support staff. 

You’ll get a reply within 10-min or earlier if you’ve already purchased this service with the plan. Whenever we sent them a ticket, we almost always get a response within an hour. 

They have a complete document of their terms of service, You are not kept in the dark about anything.   

They believe in 100% customer satisfaction and don’t hesitate going out of their way to revolve the customer’s query. This is what makes them one of the reliable and quality service providers.

6- Free Site Migration

If you plan to migrate your existing site from other hosting to SiteGround, they will do it free of cost for one site.

You have to post a ticket from your User Area if you want to claim a free site transfer for your website.

If you have more than one site that you would like to move to Siteground, they have professionals who will take care of it for you.  

You can enjoy this feature for Grow Big and higher plans. This option is not available for startup plans.

7- Free SSL Certificate on All Hosting Plans

Google prefers websites with SSL certificate, which is basically a security layer that turns your website from HTTP to HTTPS. 

SSL certificate ensures that a safe and private connection formed between you and your visitors. Learn how to install SSL certificate on your WordPress website.

If you don’t have this certificate incorporated into your website, visitors trying to access your website using Chrome will not be able to access it. And may even get the warning email in their Gmail account whenever they put relevant data on your website.

SSL secured site

Site Ground offers free SSL certificate, that comes reinstalled on your website no matter what hosting plan you purchase. 

8 – Siteground Performance

SiteGround carries powerful servers that guarantee better website performance, loading your website on the fly.

They take strict measures to meet industry standards, satisfying the needs of almost every site – from personal, corporate, huge forums to PHP scripted sites.

Caching options and server capacity with powerful bandwidth have the ability to take your web performance from good to glorious.

9 – Siteground Security Features

Web security comes first whenever you plan to buy hosting services. Of course, you don’t want to compromise your hard work and money at the cost of buying cheap and low quality hosting provider.

SiteGround, no doubt, offers the best security features ensuring powerful web security.

Even though you need to do your own work to keep your site secure, you won’t find any work left from their side that can affect your web security.

Site Isolation ensures the protected firewall around your website, saving it from successful hacking attacks. It also guarantees your web security in case another site on the same server undergoes a security breach.

Security Patches SiteGround offers preventive maintenance with regular security scans, sharing the result with you in case any potential threat is found on your website. Your hosting account will receive proactive security patches if your website is hit with any hacking attack.

10- Simple Account Management Interface

SiteGround comes with a user-friendly and simple management interface where you can handle all nitty-gritty of your website in one place.

You can manage everything from security settings and web application firewall to your storage on the go. 

11- 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Did we mention SiteGround offers a 30-day money-back guarantee?

Yes, you can claim your money within thirty days for shared hosting plans in case you don’t find their services as expected. It is limited to 15-days for cloud hosting plans.

You need to submit the service termination request from User Area. Money-back guarantee doesn’t apply to renewal orders. 

Down Side of Siteground Hosting

Apart from the outstanding privileges that SiteGround offers, there are some downsides that may concern you.

1- Fixed Storage Space:

They offer fixed storage for a specific plan. The storage space they give you in the basic plan would be enough for you if you are just starting out. 

But as your business grows and your traffic increases, you might have to move to a higher plan. 

You get storage space as follows:

Storage Space


  • 10 GB

  • Start-Up 

  • 20 GB

  • Grow Big 

  • 30 GB 

  • Go Greek 

2- High Renewal Rates 

Siteground’s basic startup plan is 3.95$/mo. Unreal right? 

But wait, there is a catch. 

When the renewal time comes you will be charged the regular 11.95$/mo, which is three-time of what you were charged initially.  

Literally every hosting company out there is using this exact marketing strategy. they get your attention by offering you the lowest startup rates, only to double or triple them when the time of renewal comes. 

Siteground Hosting plans 

They provide four hosting plans that include:

  1. Web Hosting
  2. WordPress Hosting
  3. Woo Commerce Hosting
  4. Cloud Hosting

Ready to satisfy almost every customer based on their specific needs. Learn about different types of hosting.

Different types of hosting by Siteground

If you are looking for WordPress Hosting plan, you can start as low as $3.95/month with a special offer where you can leverage hosting plan for one website, 10GB web space and entertain 10,000 visitors per month.

Siteground hosting plan

Final Words on Siteground

You might be curious if SiteGround is a good fit for you?

If you want a quick and reliable quality service, you won’t find a better match than SiteGround. Also, they come with multiple hosting plans, ready to accommodate almost every customer as per their needs and requirements.

A 30-day money-back guarantee is an added advantage. If you don’t find their services up to scratch and want to switch plan sometime later, you’ll get the full payment if claimed within 30 days. For shared hosting plan, you can enjoy CDN Cloudflare service, SSD storage, one-click WordPress install, free

SSL certificate, and free one-site migration.

Customer support is readily available anytime 24/7 where you can submit your query via chat, email, phone call or submit a ticket.

Which hosting provider do you use for your website? Have you already made your mind to switch to SiteGround hosting plan? We’d love to hear in the comment section below.

Also feel free to email us if you need any WP Support.

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Source: https://wpsupportdesk.com/blog/siteground/

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