How to Build a Successful Video Membership Site

There are all kinds of membership or subscription sites out there: veg boxes, shaving products, entertainment tickets, and so on. But one subscription platform reigns supreme: video. Just look at…

The Top 10 Mailchimp WordPress Plugins

Whether you’re a blogger, online course creator, or small business owner, email marketing is one of the most effective ways to grow your online business. And from its powerful automation…

If something went wrong – CyberSEO Pro

If there was some error during the installation/update of CyberSEO Pro and your site just crashes every time you are trying to open it, you should recover the code. Here…

How to Hide a WordPress Site from Public View

When you're running a WordPress site, you probably want most of it accessible to the public and the search engines. But, if you offer premium content, run a membership forum,…