This is a detailed list post on best website management tools in 2023.

In this in-depth post, you’ll learn:

  • Importance of website management tools
  • Best performance management tools
  • Important SEO management tools
  • Best eCommerce management tools
  • Lots more

So if you’re ready to go “all in” to manage your website like a pro, this post is for you.

Let’s dive right in.

WordPress website management tools 

With these useful WordPress website management tools, you can:

  • Automate your websites to be able to run smoothly.
  • Setup and enable automatic Updates for your websites in one go.
  • Quickly update your themes, plugins, and cores of multiple sites using a single dashboard.
  • Monitor workflow and uptime, scan viruses and filter unsolicited spam.
  • Create and manage installations, users, comments, and offsite backups of multiple sites.

Some common WordPress website management tools are:

1. ManageWP

ManageWP is an ultimate single dashboard for all of your WordPress websites. You can log into your WordPress websites with one click without any haphazard. You can update your themes and plugins right away from one dashboard and can do bulk updates in one go.

35 Best WordPress Website Management Tools

2. Jetpack

Jetpack is a package of tools for WordPress that provides security, performance and growth to WordPress websites. It includes the following features such as jetpack backup for one-click restoration and real-time backup, jetpack boost for site speed and SEO, jetpack CRM for small businesses, jetpack protect for security threats, and jetpack social for written posts. 

jetpack - wordpress management tool

3. MainWP

MainWP website manager allows you to manage multiple WordPress websites from one WordPress install on your own hosting. It guarantees the privacy of the websites and enables you to update themes and plugins directly from MainWP dashboard.

mainWP - wordpress management tool

4. InfiniteWP

InfiniteWp is a self-hosted multiple WordPress website manager. It manages backup, security, servers, plugin and theme updates and one-click bulk updates. It has 2x faster turbo servers for better website performance. 

inifiniteWP - wordpress management tool

5. WP Remote

WP Remote is an amazing website manager that manages multiple websites remotely via a single dashboard. It provides security, staging, backup, access to quick updates and tracking, installation, and activation of plugins and themes from one place.

WPremote - wordpress management tool

Website performance management tools

6. Website grader

The website grader is an amazing performance management tool that grades a marketing efficiency of a website on 4 chief metrics that are:

  • Performance
  • Mobile-friendly
  • Search engine optimization
  • Security

It ensures that your website is user-friendly. After grading your website, it suggests how can you improve your website and generate better sales and website traffic.

website grader - performance management tool

7. Google PageSpeed Insights

Google pagespeed insights is a fantastic and useful tool for web developers and site owners. 

Critically evaluating the website on both the desktop and mobiles, makes sure to provide a comprehensive report on:

  • Availability of the site
  • Functionality of the site
  • Accessibility of the site
  • Advanced web applications
  • Loading speed
  • Performance of the site pages.

google page insights - performance management tool

8. Pingdom

Pingdom is another powerful and efficient performance tool that analyzes your website speed. It accurately monitors website performance and workflow from a worldwide perspective and helps you create a better user experience for your clients.

Pingdom website speed test

9. GT metrics

GT metrics is a popular free tool to analyze website load speed and performance. following are its key features:

  • It monitors the site insights, visual performance, and mobile optimization.
  • It filters URL and makes API functional.
  • It testifies your website through various locations for a better user experience. 

In short, it gives you a whole lot of performance based insights.

GT metrics - website management tool

10. Webpage test

Webpage test is an open source performance tool that analyzes your website performance under various conditions. It uses the following features to analyze your website:

  • It uses a letter grade system from A to F to score site performance under various categories.
  • It uses a filmstrip view to evaluate layout shifts.
  • It provides recommendations to improve lower scores.
  • It helps you read load waterfall.
  • Examine what is the largest contentful paint (LCP)

webpage - website management tool

11. Uptrends

The uptrend performance tool gives you an insight into desktop and mobile end-user experience.

following are its key features:

  • It checks DNS performance
  • It performs traceroute tests
  • It Calculates uptime and SLA
  • It runs IPv6 ping
  • It checks response header tests
  • It calculates ROI

In short, it supports all protocol technologies to monitor website performance critically. 

uptrend - performance management tool

12. Site 24×7

Site 24×7 acquires a wide range of features to examine website performances which makes it an all-in-one product. It analyzes the website from a worldwide perspective.

Along with website performance, it caters following aspects:

  • Server and network monitoring
  • Availability testing
  • Cloud monitoring,
  • Application performance
  • Real user monitoring (RUM)
  • SLA management
  • Provide activity dashboards

and much much more. 

Site 24x7 - website management tool

13. Dotcom monitor

Dotcom Monitor tool provides open source as well as subscription-based tools to analyze the availability and performance of the website. It helps you get faster page results, customer engagements, and increased revenue by running website analysis of uptime, servers, APIs, speed, and performance checks through multiple geographical locations. 

dotcom monitor - performance management tool

14. Sematext

Sematext is a comprehensive performance monitoring tool that manages log analytics and works on infrastructure and performance together in one ultimate solution portal.

Sematext performs the following operations:

  • Gives insights into the websites from the front and back end
  • Provide us with server and database monitoring
  • Log searching and filtering
  • Real user monitoring (RUM)
  • End-end app performance
  • Sematext tracing for coding execution

and many more beneficial features.

sematext - performance management tool

15. Datadog synthetics

Datadog performance tool applies synthetics testings/ proactive monitoring to monitor website transactions and application endpoints. It helps in executing self-maintained tests to simplify complicated user journeys in your applications.

datadog synthetics - websitre management tool

Best SEO tools 

16. Ahref ( SEO keyword tool)

Ahref is a free tool that contains multiple SEO features that will help you boost your optimization efforts. It is considered as the best tool for SEO optimization as it provides:

  • Keyword research analysis
  • Organic traffic estimation
  • Backlinks growth
  • Search engine ranking history analysis (SERPs)
  • Tools of link building

In short, all the tools to improve the SEO of the website.

Ahref - SEO tool

17. Semrush

Semrush is a complete system packed with all SEO tools in one platform. It helps you with most of the SEO operations such as:

  • On-page SEO
  • Traffic analysis
  • Search engine rank tracking,
  • Local SEO,
  • Link building, 
  • Social media tracking

Domain overview is the best feature of semrush that helps you analyze competitors’ performance.

Semrush - website management tool

18. Google search console

Google search console is a top SEO tool that monitors your website ranking on Google SERPs. The search console helps you understand how Google and site visitors view and rank your website and suggests how to improve your website SEO for better ranking results.

google search console - website management tool

19. Moz pro 

Moz pro is too an all-in-one suite of amazing SEO tools. These SEO tools include Features such as

  • Keyword research tools
  • Mozbar for analyzing important page metrics
  • Domain analysis of competitive sites,
  • Mozcast for evaluating day-to-day changes in the google weather patterns
  • Link building tools and SERP analysis.

Moz pro - SEO management tool

20. Ubersuggest

Ubersuggest is an interesting tool that specializes in keyword research. It provides a competitive analysis of organic traffic and popular keyword phrases. Moreover, it monitors backlinks and site speed as well which makes it an amazing SEO tool.

ubersuggest- Website management tool

21. KWfinder 

Kwfinder specializes in keywords research. This tool is perfect for local and longtail keyword research. Moreover, it analyzes and keeps tracking SERPs and helps in finding location-based search results. 

22. Spyfu 

Spyfu is a keyword and competitive analysis tool that helps you find easy keywords for better SEO. It contains a robust system that uses smart strategies to analyze competitive markets and help you strategize to improve SEO, increase SERPs, and hence, generate huge business revenues.

Spyfu- SEO management tool

23. Answer the public (free SEO tool)

Answer the public gives organic and raw search insights into what the people are searching for. It is a great tool to find keywords based on raw search intents. It provides unlimited daily suggestions and explores each searched keyword from all angles and provides raw data.

answer the public - performance management tool

24.  Woorank

Woorank is a reliable SEO tool that keeps continuous tracking and provides valuable insights to improvise your website SEO. Also, it emphasizes identifying new keyword opportunities, SEO auditing, competitive analysis, and backlink analysis to optimize your site for the best search engine results.

woorank -SEO management tool

25. Majestic SEO

Unlike Ahref, semrush, and other SEO tools, Majestic SEO tool solely specializes in backlinks. It has its own metrics to analyze to represent its analysis on SEO. These metrics are:

  • The trust flow represents quality.
  • The citation flow represents the number of backlinks.
  • The visibility flow helps to find preferable editorial-style links.
  • The topical trust flow indicates topical relevance. 

Each of the majestic flows helps get strong and potential backlinks for the website. 

majestic SEO - performance management tool

eCommerce website management tools 

A/ B testing tool can help greatly with eCommerce business and management. With the help of these tools, you can get better conversion rates, a better digital experience, and a better and improvised customer experience. These tools allow you to testify your website content into two versions and help you determine which version would be the best for you. Some A/B testing tools are:

26. Crazyegg

Crazyegg is an amazing analytical tool that helps you track your website visitors. With the A/B test interface, it can be easier for you to pick your preferred goal, make a desirable action towards the goal and see results coming in. It includes a heatmap and recording that allows you to keep an eye on how your visitors interact with your website. 

crazyegg - ecommerce management tool

27. Optimizely

Optimizely is simply an A/B testing tool that tests a website based on A/B testing and helps you build an optimized website. it is plug-and-play. It uses a built-in robot learning algorithm that does most of your work automatically and generates the most revenue. It also gives you actionable insights to help you improve optimization. 

optimizely - ecommerce management tool

Some tools other than A/B testing tools are:

28. Lucky orange

Lucky orange is an all-in-one conversion rate optimization (CRO) system that provides tools for navigating and acting for better eCommerce website optimization. These tools include:

  • Dynamic heatmaps,
  • Recording
  • Conversion funnels, 
  • Unlimited dashboards,
  • Form Analytics

The most amazing feature is live chat for amazing user experience and interaction.

lucky orange - ecommerce management tool

29. Hotjar 

Hotjar is too an all-in-one product experience insight and CRO tool built over the years. It helps you track user experience through heat mapping and recording, along with adding widgets like polls, surveys, and general questions on what your users like or dislike.

hotjar - ecommerce management tool

30. Hootsuite

Hootsuit is an amazing social media management tool that helps you manage social network channels. It schedules, monitor, analyze and curate over 35 social media networks and allows you to view multiple ongoing social media streams at once without having to go and log into every individual platform. 

hootsuite - ecommerce website management tool

31. MeetEdgar

MeetEdgar is a premium social media management tool for entrepreneurs and small businesses. It helps the user to manage and categorize content across multiple platforms. Its features include:

  • Images/videos support
  • A content library for content repurposing
  • Automation
  • Email tools for updates
  • Link tracking.

meetedgar - ecommerce management tool

32. Mailchimp

Mailchimp is an all-in-one marketing platform ideal for small businesses. Along with email designing and marketing, It carries a wide variety of features to help you gain and attain complete email campaign visibility and other additional features like email tracking, email list management, pre-built automation, email send time optimization, integration, and dynamic content creation. 

mailchimp - ecommerce website management tool

33. GetResponse

Getresponse is a well-established email marketing tool built for online marketers and entrepreneurs to create useful content, generate leads, and sales, and improve traffic. Besides email marketing tools and webinar software, these tools help the user with automation features like designing automated emails and automated blog reach via email and automated scheduling.

getresponse - ecommerce website website management tool

34. Olark

Olark provides easy-to-use live chat and real-time reporting tools for small businesses and entrepreneurs to enhance user experience and generate sales. It provides:

  • Customized chatboxes
  • Advanced privacy features
  • Live chat insights and history
  • Structured chat transcripts
  • Automated email report
  • Integration
  • Automation
  • API calls

olark- ecommerce management tool

35. Zendesk

Zendesk is an all-in-one customer support system based on customizable tools for customer services. It manages automated ticket forms, and multiple support streams like emails, web, chats, social media, and mobile apps. It provides instant insights into customer and business analytics to boost entire customer service. 

zendesk - ecommerce website management tool


I hope you liked this detailed post on website management tools.

Now I’d like to hear from you: What is your favourite tool for website management?

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