Matt Mullenweg speaks to WordPress contributors worldwide on this special edition of the WP Briefing podcast with Josepha Haden Chomphosy. Join us to hear Matt’s thoughts on Ukraine.

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How You Can Help


Médecins Sans Frontieres 

International Committee of the Red Cross 

International Rescue Committee

UN Refugee Agency 

World Central Kitchen

Tech For Ukraine



Josepha Haden Chomphosy  00:00

Hello, everyone, and welcome to a special edition of the WordPress Briefing. I have Matt here with me today because we want to acknowledge that we are once again at the start of a very difficult time. Neither of us would presume to know what it’s like to be at the heart of such massive disruption in our lives. But who would we be if we didn’t stop and check in with you all, the project that we hold so dear? And with that, I’ll hand it right over to you, Matt.

Matt Mullenweg  00:27

Hello everyone. First, I want to thank Josepha for inviting me to join the WordPress Briefing to share what’s been on my mind in light of recent global events. 

Matt Mullenweg  00:37

I’ve been listening and watching events escalate in Ukraine, often in a state of shock. The scale alone is hard to take in. I mean, in the last 7 days, more than 500,000 people have fled their homes, more refugees are expected every day. The downstream humanitarian crises of the invasion are unimaginable.  

Matt Mullenweg  00:56

And seeing destruction in the world we live in is confusing, disconcerting, and difficult. In my experience, open source and WordPress bring people together; people from other countries and cultures, people that we know as friends and colleagues. Technology connects us, regardless of where we are. Nothing can negate the bad things happening in the world, but when I see how this community of contributors collaborates, regardless of borders, you all remind me of the good in the world every day.

Matt Mullenweg  01:30

I firmly believe that the web can be an equalizer and a force for good in the world. To me, the WordPress project is the epitome of goodness—everyone has a voice, a platform, and a community. You have the power to make your corner of the world, and the web, a sanctuary for those who need it—especially now.

Matt Mullenweg  01:45

If you or someone you know is affected by this war, I encourage you to be present as the ramifications unfold. While we may all feel fatigued and have a sense of languishing from the past two years of the Covid pandemic, the gift of time and support for one another cannot be overstated. I’m confident that every single person in the WordPress community will approach the situation in Ukraine with sensitivity and understanding. 

Matt Mullenweg  02:07

I invite you to join me in standing with those in the world working to end conflict and working toward a world of peace, promise, and opportunity. If you’re looking for a way to help support the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine, I will offer some suggested NGOs, or Non-Governmental Organizations, that provide assistance to local peacebuilders in the region. 

Matt Mullenweg  02:26

In closing, please know that my thoughts are with everyone in our community. I know that my words here can’t change anything there, but I hope that we all remember that words of support are never unwelcome. And we can never know when a little human kindness can help someone share the invisible heaviness in their heart. 

Josepha Haden Chomphosy  02:44

Thanks for that, Matt. My friends, there are links in the show notes to some of the groups that Matt referenced. And that is it for this special edition of the WordPress Briefing. I’m your host, Josepha Haden Chomphosy. Be safe, be kind to yourself and others, and I’ll see you again in a couple of weeks.


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