Building an online business from the ground up is difficult, to say the least. One way to ease the burden is by teaming up with like-minded people to start a mastermind group.

For those unfamiliar, a mastermind group consists of a group of like-minded individuals who are working towards a similar goal and earning money along the way.

Sounds great, right?

In this article, we’ll explain what a mastermind group is and what it’s used for. We’ll also share some examples of popular mastermind groups to see what they did right. Finally, we’ll show you how you can start a mastermind group in WordPress using Paid Member Subscriptions and optionally, Profile Builder Pro.

What is a Mastermind Group?

First things first, what even is a mastermind group?

In simple words, a mastermind group is a group of people who have the same ideas and the willingness to work towards a similar, common goal.

Some examples of mastermind groups include:

  • People get together to reach a fitness goal (a goal weight, building muscle, or getting proficient at callisthenics);
  • College students who are all looking to clear an exam (GMAT, GRE, LSAT, TOEFL, or IELTS) and get admissions;
  • A group of people that want to bring change in the world (by planting trees or cleaning up the oceans);
  • Website owners that want to learn about SEO best practices and implement them on their sites.

In this way, a mastermind group is a kind of membership program. A group of people working towards a common goal, discussing ideas, and sharing information with one another along the way.

The best part about it is that all members support each other. There might be a select few people who guide the conversations and discussions but the mastermind group is focused on all members equally.

Benefits of Starting a Mastermind Group

Getting advice and support from peers is a great way to solve problems and accomplish goals. This is the main reason why many people consider starting or joining a mastermind group.

Here are some other notable benefits:

  • Get feedback that counts.The great thing about starting a mastermind group is that all members can get access to constructive feedback that will help them solve their problems. Members become a part of a community that lives and breathes what they’re most interested in.
  • Easy access to resources. When like-minded people get together to achieve a common goal or solve a problem, you can bet there will be a large resource hub for everyone to tap into. This way, each member can take advantage of high-authority resources, tools, guides, and techniques that would otherwise have been difficult for them to find.
  • A great support system. Members of a mastermind group can organize regular check-ins and set up an accountability system so everyone has an easier time staying focused.

Aside from this, a mastermind group allows people from all over the world to join and participate in discussions. This means your members can be anywhere and still get access to all resources.

List of the Most Famous Mastermind Groups

If you’re thinking of starting a mastermind group, you should start by looking at examples of mastermind groups that are doing it right. This gives you a better idea of how successful mastermind groups work and what you can do to make yours successful from the get-go.


Eccountability is an online mastermind group for digital entrepreneurs where people can create their profiles by entering information about their industry, company size, and goals. They’re then matched to groups with similar profiles. Members video conference regularly from anywhere across the world.

Live for Livin

Live for Livin is a mastermind group where executive women find a balance between work and life and gain their time back. It’s designed to help women connect with other working women and find ways to scale while maintaining success.

War Room

War Room is a mastermind group where the top entrepreneurs and marketers go to share strategies. The group has a private social network for members to meet, discuss ideas, and share opinions.

How to Start a Mastermind Group in WordPress

Let me show you how to start a mastermind group in WordPress!

For this tutorial, you’ll need a WordPress site along with the Paid Member Subscriptions plugin and optionally, the  Profile Builder Pro plugin for extended functionality.

In this article we’ll use the Paid Member Subscriptions plugin to create subscription plans and restrict access to content and we’ll use the Profile Builder Pro plugin to display a member’s listing on the front-end.

Step #1: Install and Activate the Plugins

Installing Paid Member Subscriptions

If you’re only looking to test out the waters with a minimum viable product (MVP), you can easily use the free version of the Paid Member Subscriptions plugin which is available for download at And, when you’re ready to take things further, you can upgrade to the pro version – more on this later.

So, after you download the plugin files, go to Plugins → Add New from the WordPress admin panel and upload them to the meta box. Activate the plugin once it’s installed.

How to Start a Mastermind Group in WordPress

Once that’s done, you’ll see a new Paid Member Subscriptions menu item in the sidebar. Navigate to Paid Member Subscriptions → Basic Information and click the Open Setup Wizard button. The Paid Member Subscriptions plugin will do the basic mastermind site setup for you!

The plugin automatically creates the Registration, Login, Account, and Reset Password pages in WordPress. In addition to this, it also sets up other essential settings as well as payments. This is particularly useful if you intend on charging for access to your mastermind group.

Installing Profile Builder

If you don’t plan to showcase your mastermind group members on the website, not even on a private page that would only be visible to the members themselves, you can skip this step and jump right into creating your subscription plans. However, doing so helps create a better sense of community within your mastermind group, helping members get to know each other and build trust.

Again, if you simply want to set up an MVP mastermind group, you can get away with the free version of the Profile Builder plugin which is available for download at

Install and activate Profile Builder

And, whenever you’re ready to take things further, you can get the full version of Profile Builder Pro and its add-ons by purchasing a license.

Download Profile Builder Pro

Download the plugin’s .zip files and install the plugin on your WordPress site. Make sure to activate the plugin after it’s done installing.

Step #2: Create a Paid Mastermind Subscription

The next step is to create mastermind subscription plans or tiers.

To do this, go to Paid Member Subscriptions → Subscription Plans and click the Add New button. You’ll see the subscription plan setup screen.

Subscription plan for a mastermind group

Here, you can enter a title for the subscription plan and a short description explaining what it includes. In addition to this, you can also enter the Duration, Price, and Sign-up Fee.

The plugin also lets you offer a Free Trial and set mastermind group re-subscription options using the Renewal dropdown menu. Finally, you can assign members a User role once they subscribe to the plan.

Click the Save Subscription button to continue.

Repeat this step to create as many subscription plans or tiers as you’d like for your mastermind group.

Step #3: Restrict Access to Mastermind Groups

If you already have content on your website for mastermind group members only, you can head over to the edit page (or post) screen to restrict access to it. Your mastermind group content can be anything from video conferencing schedules and check-in calendars to discussion boards and resource hubs.

Thankfully, the Paid Member Subscriptions plugin makes it incredibly easy to restrict access to content on your WordPress site. Here’s what you need to do.

From the edit page screen, scroll down to the Content Restriction meta box. You can choose the Type of Restriction you want to apply under the Display Options section. The available options include Message, Redirect, and Template.

Content restriction options

Next, you can select the subscription plan members should be subscribed to in order to access this page using the Display For option. You can select multiple subscription plans if you’d like.

Click the Update button to continue.

👉 Here’s a detailed guide on how to set up private pages for your mastermind group subscribers if you would like a more in-depth view.

Step #4: Showcase Your Mastermind Group Members on the Front-End

Using the Profile Builder Pro plugin, you can showcase a list of members on the front-end.

Profile Builder Pro

The best mastermind group plugin for your WordPress site.

Get Profile Builder

This is a great way to encourage more people to join your mastermind group. Alternatively, you can choose to keep it private (using the Paid Member Subscriptions plugin’s content restriction option).

To create the WordPress user listing, go to Profile Builder → Add-Ons to activate the User Listing add-on.

User Listing add-on

Click Save Changes to continue.

Next, go to User Listing → Add New to create a new user listing for your mastermind group. Give it a title and select the Roles to Display. You can also configure other settings from the same screen such as Number of Users/Page, Default Sorting Criteria, Avatar Size, Visibility, and more.

User Listing settings

Click the Publish button to continue. You’ll see a shortcode in the Form Shortcode meta box.

Mastermind group user listing shortcode

Copy this to your clipboard and paste it on any page you want to display the mastermind group user listing on.

Create Your Mastermind Group in WordPress Today

By starting a mastermind group, you can build a community of like-minded individuals, share ideas and resources, and help people solve problems and reach their goals.

Paid Member Subscriptions and Profile Builder Pro make it easy for just about anyone to start a mastermind group and start earning passive income.

You can use the Paid Member Subscriptions plugin to create subscription plans or tiers and restrict access to members-only content. And, the Profile Builder Pro plugin lets you display a user listing on the front-end.

In addition to this, you can also use Profile Builder Pro to:

Ready to start a mastermind group? Get Paid Member Subscriptions and Profile Builder Pro today!

Do you still have questions on how to start a mastermind group in WordPress? Let us know in the comments below!


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