Are you confused between posts vs pages in WordPress? 

Posts vs Pages in WordPress, Want to Learn the Difference?

When you start out with WordPress, it is easy to get confused between a page and a post. There are two ways to add content to your WordPress website or blog.

In this post, we will explain the difference between WordPress posts vs pages.

By the end of this post, you will also know when you should use a page vs post in WordPress.

Posts vs Pages in WordPress

Both look the same in the WordPress dashboard!

Posts Vs Pages in WordPress Dashboard

To begin with, you must know that WordPress has two basic ways through, which you can add content to your website or blog.

  1. WordPress Post
  2. WordPress Pages

Both of these options can be seen in the dashboard navigation bar. They have a few things in common between them however their purpose and use make them very different in nature. 

What is a Post in WordPress?

WordPress posts are dynamic time-sensitive entries. Displayed in reverse chronological order in your blog section. 

This basically means that the most recent post appears on the top as the older ones are pushed down as new posts are published.

You can relate WordPress posts with the posts you do on Facebook. Each post most probably has a different topic. And whenever you post something new the older posts are pushed down (reverse chronological order).

You will also notice the date of the post on the top of the page. 

Last updates date on posts

Mostly WordPress post is used to publish content such as:

  • Articles or blog posts
  • Announcements
  • News or events 
  • Opinion pieces
  • How-to pieces 

One technical drawback of posts to look out for is that they appear in reverse chronological order on the blog’s page. Because of this older posts get buried under the new posts. 

If you are creating high-quality evergreen blog posts and want to increase the shelf life of your content, you should consider the following options:

  • You can choose to stick your best post at the top of your blog page.
  • You should create hub pages (accessible from your home page) and links to your important blog posts.
  • Add links to your important posts in the sidebar.  

These are the few things you can do to increase the shelf life of your important WordPress blog posts and improve the user experience of your blog as well.  

WordPress categories

You can also organize posts into categories and tags

For example, if you have a website about cars, you can write posts about different cars and categorize them into different brands of cars. 

And give them tags such as seats, engines, or even tires. This would tell the users what they post is about.       

Posts are very social in nature for two reasons 

  1. They encourage conversation 
  2. They allow social sharing

Comments on blog posts

If you wish you can leave a commenting or discussion section at the end of your post, where your viewers can share their thoughts, which creates a more engaging user experience. 

You can also add social share buttons on the post, which allows views to share the posts that they like on different social media platforms. This boosts your website or blog’s organic traffic and improves your ranking on search engines

Post can be synced through the RSS feed, which means you can notify your users whenever you publish new content.

What is a Page in WordPress?

Pages are created when you want to add static timeless content to your website or blog.

The type of content that generally changes rarely. Such as the information you will add in your “About Us” “contact us” or “privacy policy” page. 

wordpress posts vs pages

You will see no publish date on our page.

Neither will find any tag, category or author assigned to this page because pages don’t have these options in WordPress.  

The thing about pages is that as they are timeless, they don’t expire and static evergreen content goes on them. 



  • Topical 

  • Hierarchical 

  • Timely 

  • Timeless 

  • Have author details 

  • Do not have author

  • Dynamic 

  • Static

  • Custom format 

  • Custom templates 

  • Categorized & Tagged 

  • Parent & child pages 

  • Can be synced with RSS feed 

  • RSS feed not available 

  • Can add commenting section 

  • Can not add commenting section

  • Are social 

  • Not social 

Few Answers about Posts Vs Pages in WordPress Questions:

Is there any SEO advantages for one or the other?

No, in terms of SEO they have no advantage over the other, Both can be ranked if they have good content and are optimized.

How Many Posts and/or Pages Can I Have? 

You can have as many pages and posts as you see fit for your website.

However, you should only create pages that you need.

Can I switch posts to pages and vice versa

WordPress yet does not have a switch a page to post (or vice versa) option by default. You can follow either of the two courses of action. When faced with this task you can either follow the old school copy- paste and then delete method or install a plugin that does this for you. 


Both pages vs posts in WordPress have their own significance and purpose.

To sum it all up in one-liner, all your static evergreen content would go on a page whereas your dynamic topic and time-sensitive content would be going on a post.

Hopefully, this post has helped you to understand the difference between the posts vs pages in WordPress

There are certain pages that you need to add on your website but most of your content would be added through posts. 

Once you understand the difference between the two you should be able to decide if the content is post or page worthy. 

Also feel free to email us if you need any WP Support.

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